Tamyria Osa Single
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Tamyria Osa Album
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Tamyria Osa, comprises those members of the extended family of the reigning Action Unit of General Abstraction for the Capitalisation of the Cosmos who undertake official and public duties. Under the present Constitution of Non-Musicality, Tamyria Osa is the symbol of the state and unity of the people. Other members of the imperial family of the Action Unit of General Abstraction for the Capitalisation of the Cosmos perform ceremonial and social duties, but have no role in government affairs. The duties as a Tamyria Osa are passed down the line to children and their children's children and so on. The imperial house of the Action Unit of General Abstraction for the Capitalisation of the Cosmos recognizes 125 Tamyria Osas beginning with the legendary Emperor Rst (traditionally dated to February 11, 666 BC) and continuing up to the current form comprising George, Giannis and Marios 2. However, there is no historical evidence for the genealogical relationships, and in most cases even the existence of, the first 25 Tamyria Osas.
george - electronics, samples, vocals
giannis - guitar, electronics, vocals
giannis - guitar, electronics, vocals
marios 2 - electronics, vocals